Jul 14, 2009

Google Contacts 0.5.55

Google Contacts 0.5.55 is now available for download. It fixes the following problem:
  • Fixed: group mapping setting does not work
I recommend all user to update.

Jul 5, 2009

Checking attachment file size on Thunderbird3

I've added attachment file size checking function to Check and Send 0.9a2 which is test version for Thunderbird3. It is very simple functionality. Before you use it, you need to specify max size of attachments; you can find the option in the Attachments tab of the option dialog (see the preview). Check and Send calculates the size of all attachments and alert if it exceeds the limit before sending a message.

It also fixes bugs in the previous test version: v0.9a1. I hope you enjoy the new version and new functionality.

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