Jun 9, 2020

Emacs keybindings for Adobe Brackets (C-d / C-h)

I've started to use Adobe Brackets for Thunderbird add-ons development.
Brackets is suitable for writing WebExtensions/MailExtensions.
Especially live preview and inline css editing are killer functionalities for me.
This is a reason I chose Brackets even though it is less active rather than Atom and Visual Studio Code.

Another important thing for a editor is emacs keybindings.
And, same as other editors, Brackets has the brackets-emacs extension thanks to Ahmad N. Raja.

It is almost perfect for me except for character deleting: C-d (delete after cursor) and C-h (delete before cursor) are missing!
So, I did a few hacks.

brackets-emacs extension with C-d and C-h

Please feel free to use it if you are in the same situation as me :)

Remove the original brackets-emacs extension if you've already installed it.

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