Sep 13, 2020

Adding space and separator to message header toolbar

Message Header Toolbar Customize 2.0.4 is now available for download.


From this version, you can add space and separator to the toolbar as following.

The customizing window newly has SPC and SEP buttons. SPC button adds space and SEP button adds separator to the toolbar. The space and separator can be moved by Up and Down button. If you want to remove it, click the Hide button. Unlike the normal button, space and separator will be deleted by the Hide button.

You will also see the new checkbox at the bottom of the window: "Apply to multi-messages header toolbar too". If you check this option, the toolbar shown when you select multiple messages will also follow the icon display and order configuration. Please note space and separator will be ignored for the multi-messages toolbar. The following is an example of icons only display and hidden Archive button.

1 comment:

Fern said...

Could you just please tell me how to use this please? You said in another blog entry:

"The customize window is invoked from the followings:
Right-click menu on the toolbar
Menu in the "More" button of the toolbar"

- but this is so vague and meaningless? Which menu are you talking about? Which toolbar? What "More" button? You are speaking in riddles!

I'm sure you clever guys often forget that we're just normal people, struggling with IT on a daily basis. Could you PLEASE just provide a set of basic but specific instructions - I will be eternally grateful! Thanks...

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