Nov 14, 2010

Priority Switcher 0.6.10b3

Priority Switcher 0.6.10b3 is now available. It fixes the following problem:
  • Fixed: "Commit automatically" option does not work when priority is changed by clicking a thread pane icon
  • Fixed: Thread tree will be broken by comitting
  • Changed: Commit on Gmail IMAP is not supported

Nov 10, 2010

Priority Switcher 0.6.10b2

Priority Switcher 0.6.10b2 is now available. It fixes the following problem:
  • Fixed: sorting by priority is canceled when another folder is selected
All changes planed for v0.6.10 have been implemented. I'm going to release stable version soon if there is no serious problem in the beta.

Nov 9, 2010

Priority Switcher 0.6.10b1

The first beta for Priority Switcher (v0.6.10b1) is now available. It fixes the following problems:
  • Fixed: remove eval() functions
  • Fixed: cannot "commit" on IMAP; "commit" is a function to rewrite a header of a message
  • Fixed: order of headers will be changed by commit
  • Fixed: reset is not work
Committing on IMAP issue has been reported by many users long before, but I could not fix it since it seemed it depended on your IMAP server. I've tested it on Gmail IMAP but I don't know whether it works for other servers or not. Please test it on your IMAP and let me know if it is not fixed completely.

Nov 2, 2010

Tag Toolbar 0.8.30b4

Tag Toolbar 0.8.30b4 is now available. It includes the following new features:
  • Always show small icon in Tag Toolbar:
    If the it is enabled all toolbar icons in Tag Toolbar are shown with small icons regardless the original toolbar's setting. It is enabled by default.
  • Hide tags row in header view:
    When you show Tag Toolbar with text mode, it is redundant to displaying tags both Tag Toolbar and message header view. This option hide tags row in the header view even if tags are added to a selected message like the following image. It is disabled by default.

The features can be enabled/disabled in the option dialog. See the image below:

This beta also includes a bug fix which was reported by Marco:
  • [Fixed] Cannot add tags to sent message on IMAP:
      It would happen when saving a sent message takes some time. So, it would occur if you store profile into network drive, too. Thanks,

Beta test for Tag Toolbar 0.8.30 has started

I've started beta testing for Tag Toolbar 0.8.30. v0.8.30b3 is the latest so far. The beta includes the following new features which have been requested many users.
  • Sharing tags:
       Embed tags information within a mail header and send it to recipients. If they fulfill the following conditions, the tags will be reproduced at recipients sides:
    • Recipients have the same tags as you
    • Recipients have installed Tag Toolbar 0.8.30
    To use the function, select tags you want to share and click "Clip" icon in Tag Toolbar in a message composing window (see the image below):
      If tags are selected but the icon is not clicked, the tags are added only to a message in your sent folder; it is a function previous versions have. In the case, tags information does not embedded.
      Tag Toolbar's tag import function is useful to share your tags setting with others. Please try it too.
  • Reproducing original tags on replying, forwarding:
      When you reply or forward a message, tags attached the original message are selected in a message composing window automatically. It is enabled by default. If you don't need the function, open Tag Toolbar's option and uncheck the "Reproduce tags attached to original message" option.
  • Tag category button:
       It is a toolbar button to add tags via category. It is a request from users who need Tag Toolbar's category only. The button is not added to toolbar by default. Customize your toolbar and put the icon below:

I'm glad if I could hear your thoughts about these features. If you have comments or suggestions for Tag Toolbar, please feel free to post here.

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