May 30, 2020

Day/date checking of a message (Check and Send 2.0.5)

Check and Send 2.0.5 is now available for download.


Note: Check and Send 2.x only works for Thunderbird 76 Beta1 and up.

It newly implements day/date checking functionalities. You can check as followings:
  • You wrote 6/6 (Fri) but the day is Saturday in actual 
  • You wrote a meeting would hold 6/7 but the day is Sunday
  • You wrote 2/29 but this year is not leap year

This check does not consider year your write in a message. Date after today is considered as this year and one before today is interpreted as next year.

Before you use the functionalities, you need to configure them.
Open the Check and Send option and scroll down. You"ll find the Day/Date section.

Enable functionalities

Here you can choose functionalities to be activated:
  • Check day/date consistency
    Confirm if the date and day is not matched
  • Confirm if a message includes the following day
    Confirm if the date in a message matches with the day specified here
  • Check invalid date
    Confirm if the date is not valid such as 4/30

Describe patterns to search date string in a message

Setup regular expression and back reference to search and extract date information.
This search is performed on a subject and a message body.
Quotaion and signature are excluded.
Case is not considered. (Apply regular expression with "i" flag)

Describe regular expression to the text field.
The pattern includes back reference to extract month, date and day.
The month and date extractions are mandatory.
The day extraction is needed for Day checking, not mandatory for the other checkings.
Note that the "(month=$1, ...) " is automatically added. You don't need to write it.

Then specify the back reference is related to month, date or day.
In the example above, first parameter($1) is treated as month, second one($2) is date and third one($3) is day.
If you don't need day extraction, choose "-" for the Day list.

Finally click the Add button. Your regular expression is registered.
You can edit existing pattern by the Update button.

The each pattern in the example above matched with the following date formats:
  • month/date (day): ex) 5/30 (Sat)
  • month/date: ex) 5/30
The first pattern is registered by default.

For example, if you want to check date in date/month format, not the default month/date (day), do the followings:
  1. Select the first pattern (default setting)
  2. Change Month to $2
  3. Change Date to $1
  4. Change Day to -
  5. Click the Update button

Define month, date and day strings
After the regular expression setup, define how to interpret the extracted month, date and day strings.
It is represeted as Javascript Array.

Sample definition is registered by default. Add your definition to it.
Don't change the structure of the array; don't change the "[" and "]".

The above is month definition. The 2nd line specifies Janunary and 3rd line do February, and the same for others.
If you want to add full month word to the definition such as January, February, March and so on, change the definition as follows. (The part is added.)

All item in the array is String object. So, wrap the definition by "" even if it is number.


The date and day definitions are also registered by default. So, customize them by the same way as the month.

If the definition you write is invalid, the following error message is displayed and rollback to the previous setting.

After the all configurations above, you can use the day/date functionalities.
It may be difficult to you if you are not familiar with a programming language.
Please add a comment here if you have a question or further improvement of the functionalities.

May 18, 2020

Mail Extensions Check and Send

Check and Send v2.0.0 is available. It is fully re-written in Mail Extensions mechanism to support forthcoming Thunderbird 78. It does not support Thunderbird 68.x. Please use it with Thunderbird 76 or up.


In the old versions (v1.0 series), warning is shown as modal dialog.
In this version, warnings are shown as a popup, instead of a modal dialog.
It is due to the limitation of Mail Extensions.

Usage is following:
  1. Write a message and send it as usual (in this time, the "?" button above is disabled)
  2. "?" button becomes active and the warning popup is shown
  3. Click the "Send" if you want to send the message. If not, click the "Cancel"

If the popup is closed without clicking the Send or Cancel button, you will do nothing about composing the message. In that case, click the "?" button. You will see the popup again and can choose Send or Cancel.

If you click Cancel, "?" button remains active. When you click the button again, the popup will appear but Send/Cancel buttons are missing. It can be used to check your modification of the message.

Options are available in the add-ons manager. Almost options are disabled by default. Please see the options first.

Please let me know if you find some problem.

Check and Send 2.0.1 is released. It fixes problem in recipient name correction.

May 1, 2020

MailExtensions Tag Toolbar (Tag Popup v2.0.0)

As you may know, MailExtensions, the new Thunderbird add-on framework, has a lot of limitations. I've almost given up to convert Tag Toolbar add-on into MailExtensions due to the difficulties.

So, I tried another solution: Tag Popup. I know it has degradation from the toolbar version but I think it can improve tag operation rather than default. (Now Tag Popup 2.0.2 has the similar functionalities!) Please try it and let me hear you comment.

v2.0.0 and up are MailExtensions.

Currently, v2.0.0 has different ID than v1.x series. So, you can use the both v2.0.0 and v1.0.2 in the same time on Thunderbird 68.x.
Now it has the same ID and works only with Thunderbird 77.0b3 and up.

After install, a toolbar button is added. When you click the button, the following popup is shown. You can toggle tags by the checkboxes. The popup also can be open by keyboard shortcut. Default is F10.

Comparing to Tag Toolbar, one additional action (click the button) is needed.

Toggling tags may take some time to apply. It seems a problem of Thunderbird API.

Tag Popup 2.0.0 is released.

Tag Popup 2.0.1 is released.
Now you can remove a tag by clicking one in the message header view.

And display delay when you toggling tags is improved.

Tag Popup 2.0.2 is released.
Thread coloring like Tag Toolbar is implemented.
And you can toggle tags by the message header view.
Refer to the following post for details.

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