Aug 15, 2020

Category is added to Tag Popup (Tag Popup 2.1.2)

Tag Popup 2.1.2 is now available for download:

Tag Popup has category functionalities similar to Tag Toolbar's one.

As following, now popup has a category selector. You can filter tags shown in the popup by a category. The search field will search tags within the category.

Create a category

To use it, first of all, open Tag Popup option and create categories. Now the option has a category editor section. You will only see "All" and "Recent tags" categories. The categories are system ones and cannot be editted. 

To created a category, click the "New" button. Then "New Category" is created. Next, in the "Edit category" section, define content of the category. Change the category name and tags you want to add to the category by clicking the "<--" button. The content is saved by the "Update button"

You can also make a "Saved Search" category. It does not contain any tags but has a query. When you select a saved search category in the popup, the saved query is executed and matched tags are displayed.

To make a saved search category, check the "Saved search category" in the "Edit category" section. The section will changed as follows:

Then, input keyword to the "Search query" field. Tags matched with the query will be shown in the "Matched tags" list. If it is OK for you, save it by the "Update" button.

New options related to category

Go back to the top of the option. The following options are newly added.

  • Maximum number of recent tags
    As you can see in the category editor, Tag Popup has a recent tags category. It records tags you add by using Tag Popup. By default, length of the queue is set to 0; it means disabled. By assigning a number, it starts to record the tags.

  • Refresh tag cache in categories at startup
    A category store tag information when it was created. When you change a tag name or color, a category still has old name and color. If you delete a tag, a category still has the deleted tag key. So, the cache need to be refreshed for the cases. This option refresh the cache at start time of Thunderbird. It means changes of tag information will be applied to categories in the next start. This check performed everty startup. So, if you have a lot of tags, it may delay Thunderbird booting. For the case, uncheck the option and click the "Refresh Now" button manually when you update tags.

  • Use tags in the category
    As you know, Tag Popup enables you to toggle tags by clicking a label in the message header view. But if you have a lot of tags, it will overflows the header area. You can reduce the tags to be shown by a category. If you choose a category here, only tags in the category will displayed in the header. It only works for not-attached tags, the white background tags in the following example. (Sorry for the Japanese tags ... )

    Let's assume you choose a category which has the orange, green, blue and purple tags. And the red tag, which is not in the category, is added to the message. For the case, tags are shown as above. Then you remove the red tag. The header becomes as the following.

    The red tag is not shown with the white background because it is not in the selected category.

    Saved search category cannot be used for the option. This is because that it searches tags every time when a message is selected and may lower UI performance.

I hope the category will help a lot users who want to manage many tags.

v2.1.2 includes many changes from v2.0.6. So, I will release it only on my home page for a while. Uploading to will be after Thunderbird 78.2 release.

Please try it and let me know your comments for the new functionalities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Works great for me, thank you!
One question: When I edit or add a category, in which file in the TB userprofile does it get stored? Is it possible to provision tag categories through a .js file, like I can do it for tags?

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