Nov 22, 2008

Google Contacts becomes public Add-on

After the long long wating in the review queue in AMO, Google Contacts has been reviewed by an AMO editor and been made public at AMO. It means you can download it without AMO account and can be notified when it is updated.

In order to become a public add-on, it must be reviewed by many users and has a high quality. Namely, it was be able to become a public add-on thanks to many discussion here and users' reviews at AMO.

Thank you for your comments and reviews for Google Contacts. Please let me hear your voice more and let's make Google Contacts more useful add-on.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I really got used (up to an addict level) to Google Contacts. However, since I lunched Thunderbird 3.0 I can not used it since it is not compatible with it. Do you really have and idea of whether you will (and when) available a TB3 compatible version?

Cheers and txs!!

h.ogi said...

It is not compatible with TB3, but, of course, it will support TB3 in the time TB3 is released.

I cannot say the exact date when the TB3 compatible version is available. An address book has been reconstructed in TB3, so it will take many time to make compatible with TB3.

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